An Introduction
A SMARRT Approach
Case Study
Make Energy Wastage Visible
Energy Management -
Reduce Your Energy Bill By 20%+
Commercial Efficiency -
Introduce Smart Building IoT Technology
Get to know Eniscope
The device that allows all the energy and money-saving magic to happen, is Eniscope. It’s described by leading global energy brands as a ‘best-in-class’ mini-BMS system. It’s an IoT ‘backbone’ for your operation. Providing not only valuable energy data, but also the core of a whole suite of IoT impact technologies.
By analysing Big Data taken from your in-building devices and from circuit level inputs, existing meters and IoT sensors, Eniscope supplies clients with a detailed breakdown of how, when and where they’re using (and wasting) energy.
That data can then be built on with a range of technologies designed to enhance that monitoring (temperature, humidity, CO2, occupancy, light levels) and to execute energy saving – applying smart schedules and control to your energy wasting assets.
What’s more, IQEM guarantees that Eniscope is quick to install, has pinpoint accuracy and – for many property managers across Czech Republic and Central & Eastern Europe – is indispensable.
Explore Eniscope-
Second by second energy consumption data
Clearly verify capital project energy savings
Identify energy leaks and energy saving opportunities
Easily integrate with your CAFM or BMS via our API
Cutting-edge, easy-to-install on-site hardware
Infinately scalable solution. One dashboard, multiple sites.
Expose energy-abusing resources and equipment.